Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lang-8 3 Self-Reflection

With this post, I wasn't very ambitious about using all of the grammar forms we have learned recently, which is the primary goal of the Lang-8 posts: to incorporate new grammar and use it appropriately to strengthen my writing style. However, I did gain a lot in terms of expressions we haven't used very much yet but are very important. This was the subject of most of the corrections made to my post. To name a few: using 感じる, かけて+Verb, たくさんの to describe nouns versus たくさん to modify verbs, 喜ぶ to express becoming happy. Next post I will be more deliberate about practicing grammar forms, but this post was very helpful in making my writing more natural.

Lang-8 3 Revision


Monday, December 10, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012



Tuesday, November 27, 2012


大好きなパンクロークのバンドが少ないです。けれども、初めて聞いた時はとてもすばらしかったです。アタック・オン・メモリーを聞いた月がちょっと暗いから、音楽とリリックが分かりやすかったです。音響 (sound/tone) がちょっとあらいが、とてもきれいです。聞いてみて下さい。

きれいな音楽について、ビーチ・ハウスのブルームが今年の一番です。ほかのビーチ・ハウスもいいですが、ブルームのプロダクションがすてきです。聞くながら、ほかのようじをするのがだめですよ。ほかの世界にあなたを連れて行きます。ラズリという三番目のトラックがいい一例(example) です。
アメリカの人がニュージャージの音楽について思う時に、ブルース・スプリングスチーンとボン・ジョビと思います。でも、そのバンドが古いから、今のニュージャージのいいリピレぜンテーションじゃないだろうと思います。タイツス・アンドラニクスが本当なニュージャージのバンドです。今年、ニュージャージのグレン・ロックから、ブルクリーンに引っ越した。そのへんか(change) や食べ方の病気について歌うから、ロカル・ブジナスはとても大変で、面白いロックCDです。


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lang-8 2 Self-Reflection

I did what I intended to with this post, in that I used a fair variety of grammar forms that we have learned recently, thus re-enforcing my ability to use them correctly: stem-やすい、ながら、なら (which I changed to たら in my revisions)、てすぎる、ことが出来る. This time around I had a few errors involving choosing between conditional forms, particles, and past vs. non-past conjugation. However, in general I did a good job of expressing the processes I was trying to describe (when it came to each food item) so I think I was successful in that regard.

Lang-8 2 Corrections


Wednesday, November 14, 2012



Sunday, November 11, 2012



こむぎこ3 1/2カップ
しお1 1/2こさじ



Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lang-8 1 Reflection

For the most part, my sentences were well composed and had clear meanings. Only one was not understood by my commenter. The sentences follow solid sentences structures, and thus even the longer ones aren't too confusing.

My main problem seems to be particles and small conjugation mistakes. I can fix this by looking over my sentences after I write them to check to see if the particles sound right. The conjugation problems related to grammar points should be checked with textbooks examples so that the structure makes sense.

I wrote in my goals that I wanted to use a variety of grammar when writing compositions. Despite a few particle and conjugation errors, I do think I did that quite well, but then again the prompt sort of required that by asking for directions and a plan. Hopefully I can continue using a variety of grammar in prompts that have less diverse requirements.

Lang-8 1 Revision

あなたはSakura Expressの行き方を知っていないため、行き方を書きます:
フリストセンターの前の右側には道がありますその道はWashington通りです。 Washington道理に曲がって下さい。一つこうさてんをわたって、に曲がって下さい。二つのかどをに曲がってから、まっすぐ行くと、Sakura Expressは一つのかどのすぐさき右側にありまる。


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lang-8 Exercise 1

あなたはSakura Expressに行きが知っていませんが、書きます:
フリストセンターにはがあります。その道Washington道理です。Washington道理に曲がって下さい。一つこうさてんをわたって、に曲がって下さい。二つのかどをに曲がってから、まっすぐ行くと、Sakura Expressは一つのかどのすぐさき右側にありまる。


Tuesday, October 2, 2012


しゅっしんはプリンストンだから、私といっぱんの学生と、私の方がまちを知っています。そして、レストランで食べに行きたいから、プリンストンのレストランをひひょうのシリーズ(review series)をします!






Sunday, September 30, 2012



Tuesday, September 25, 2012



それでは、クリーガーです。どうずよろしく。二年生で、十九さいです。プリンストンからきました。私のしゅみはおがくをきくのとひくのとそうぞうてきのぶんぴつ(creative writing)をするのです。ひまな時、ゲームをしたり友達と映画を見たりします。


Sunday, April 22, 2012



ショーはブレイキング・バッドのストーリがふくざつで、かなしいです。クランストン•ブライアンはメインキャクタです。クランストン•ブライアンは Malcolm in the Middle のお父さんでした。とても上手なアクターです。クランストンさんのキャラクタは高校のかがく(chemistry)きょうし。クランストンさんのキャラクタのせいめいがむずかしいです。ラング•キャンサーがあって、子供はスリブラル•パルシがあって、おくさんがちょっと。。。キモシャラピーが高いので、きゅう(former)学生とクリスタル•メシャンフェトミンを作ります。

そのショーはすてきです。いつも、テンションがあるから、見るのがむずかしいです。アクチングがすごくて、おんがくがいいです。ショーのメシャンフェトミンぶんかのかいしょく(interpretation)がおもしろいです。Netflix Instant Streaming にあって、見て下さい!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

カタカナ Literary Work Revision


The beginning of spring.
Grilled foods.
Aren't they delicious?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


「ぎゃくてんさいばん」は大好きなビデオゲームです。えいごで、Ace Attorney です。べんごしについて、アドベンチャーゲームです。ゲームが六つあります、三つにメインキャラクターはPhoenix Wright です。Phoenix Wright はクライムをインベスタゲートをして、ほうていにデベートをします。Phoenix Wright はデフェンスべんごしです。

Sunday, March 11, 2012

カタカナ Literary Work


The beginning of spring.
Grilled foods.
Aren't they delicious?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Katakana can be used for a lot of different purposes. Most commonly, it is used for loanwords and expressing non-Japanese names in a Japanese context, but it is also used for emphasis. Its use for emphasis relies on the characteristics of katakana: the sharp, defined look and its phonetic nature which makes it perfect for brand names. More often than not, katakana is used for design purposes rather than to change the meaning of a word. However, since katakana is so striking, it changes the way we read words, even if only superficially.

Take for example this Suntory Malt Whisky Advertisement. The word かっこいい (meaning handsome, stylish, or cool), is in this case presented as カッコイイ. Notice the aesthetic of the ad as a whole. The image conveys a specific sharpness. The man's face is as well defined as the glass he's holding. And to match this image, katakana is used to make the word かっこいい look like it's definition. ガッコイイhas a much more defined look than its hiragana equivalent がっこいい. In the same way that typography is key to advertisements in English, choice of script is equally important to advertisements in Japanese. Katakana makes the ad's message more immediate and consistent, and consequently, very effective.

In addition to emphasizing Japanese words, katakana is very important for its use in brand names. This is an image of a record of music from the anime Samurai Champloo. Anime names are quite often written in katakana, to emphasize the sound of the name rather than its meaning, and to make it more readable (compared to kanji). Samurai Champloo is even stylized in romaji as well. Like the Suntory ad, the katakana has a sharper look than the equivalent さむらいちゃんぷるう. In this specific example, a sharper look is fitting given that the show is about samurai. Katakana was also used by the Samurai themselves, which makes it thematically appropriate.

This emphasis makes katakana in brand names incredibly popular. Whereas hiragana words have no identity but a strong meaning, katakana have a strong identity but very little meaning. "Champloo" is an Okinawan word meaning "something mixed" that is the name of a Okinawan stir-fry dish. While a few may know that and understand its relevance to the show, everyone can understand that Champloo distinguishes the name from other animes, which is why the katakana is such a good choice. Since the word "Samurai" is not unique to this series or especially uncommon, emphasizing Champloo is very important.

Our textbook readings describe katakana in different manners because while it is used for loanwords, emphasis, and onomatopoeia directly, its use in the categories serve a wider category of goals and bring with it a wider variety of meanings. All of them may explain the three cases in which katakana is used, but explaining why it is used is a more difficult task to do in such a short description, and is better grasped by looking at examples of katakana within Japanese culture.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


その食べ物がりっぱです。うなぎにはうまみ (savoriness) がたくさんあります。2005年に日本にりょこうをします。ときょうからきょとにでんしゃで行きました。でも、ひるごはんをまだ食べませんでした。えきでうなぎべんとうをかいました。とてもおいしいでした。そうして、うなぎは私のおきにいりべんとうです。

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Katakana Analysis Draft

Katakana can be used for a lot of different purposes. Most commonly, it is used for loanwords and expressing non-Japanese names in a Japanese context, but it is also used for emphasis. Its use for emphasis relies on the characteristics of katakana: the sharp, defined look and its phonetic nature which makes it perfect for brand names.

Take this Suntory Malt Whisky Advertisement. The word かっこいい (meaning handsome, stylish, or cool), is in this case presented as カッコイイ. Notice the aesthetic of the ad as a whole. The image conveys a specific sharpness. The man's face is as well defined as the glass he's holding. And to match this image, katakana is used to make the word かっこいい look like it's definition. In the same way that typography is key to advertisements in English, choice of script is equally important to advertisements in Japanese. Katakana makes the ad's message more immediate and consistent, and consequently, very effective.

In addition to emphasizing Japanese words, katakana is very important for its use in brand names. This is an image of a record of music from the anime Samurai Champloo. Anime names are quite often written in katakana, to emphasize the sound of the name rather than its meaning, and to make it more readable (compared to kanji). Samurai Champloo is even stylized in romaji as well. Like the Suntory ad, the katakana has a sharper look than the equivalent さむらいちゃんぷるー. This emphasis makes katakana in brand names incredibly popular. Whereas hiragana words have no identity but a strong meaning, katakana have a strong identity but very little meaning. "Champloo" is an Okinawan word meaning "somegthing mixed" that is the name of a Okinawan stir-fry dish. While a few may know that and understand its relevance to the show, everyone can understand that Champloo distinguishes the name from other animes, which is why the katakana is such a good choice.

Our textbook readings describe katakana in different manners because while it is used for loanwords, emphasis, and onomatopoeia directly, its use in the categories serve a wider category of goals and bring with it a wider variety of meanings. All of them may explain the three cases in which katakana is used, but explaining why it is used is a more difficult task to do in such a short description, and is better grasped by looking at examples of katakana within Japanese culture.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


くろさわはえいがをたくさんつくりました。わたしのおきりいにのえいがが「よじんぼ」。「よじんぼ」はじだいげき(a period film set in the Edo era) です。

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Final Reflection Statement

I finished my ひぐらしのなくころに shadowing over winter break. I've noticed that my ability to shadow conversations has improved significantly as I got used to doing it. What makes shadowing initially frustrating is keeping tempo with the conversations, but as it becomes more natural to follow them, it becomes easier to imitate the conversations accordingly. I think that on top of making speaking Japanese in a conversation easier, shadowing really helps intonation. The only effective way to master intonation is to hear the intonation of a word and repeat it. While intonation exercises improve specific intonations very effectively, shadowing a conversation provides many opportunities to improve, that it has a wide impact on intonation if done often enough.

Looking on to the next semester, I think I will probably stop shadowing for a while to improve my reading ability and familiarity with kanji, which has become a bit of an obstacle in learning japanese. While I've become a bit better at speaking Japanese like a native speaker would, I feel my reading is still awkward (more along the lines of translating to English than truly reading). I look forward to studying kanji, examining passages from the text book, and perhaps even trying my hand at Japanese books (though I'll probably stick with kids books).

While I think I did improve over the course of the PE cycles, I think their effectiveness was stifled by my poor goal setting skills. I've always been better at assignments with strict deadlines than those that ask me to put in a little bit of time every day. I managed to control that problem by incentivizing my exercises, but nonetheless I still don't feel I do as good a job implementing my plans as I should.